Live From Within –

The moment had arrived. It was 13 challenging and character-building weeks after I officially and suddenly decided to compete in my 1st figure competition. There I stood, pumped up, “glam”ed up and “bling”ed out, in line with some of the most amazing women I had ever had the pleasure of sharing time and space with. The line was shortening as each brilliant woman stepped on stage to show the audience and judges what their personal commitment had created. For some, this was a bucket list check-off, for some this was a way of life. For me, it was the ultimate challenge in nutritional accountability and a strength training realm of competition I had yet to experience. I inched closer to the main stage until I could finally see the audience.  Standing patiently, yet totally impatiently, I waited for my introduction. I waited for my cue to move “to the box.”

Then it happened.

I was waved through. The stage was mine. I took my position in the box. I quarter-turned as I had practiced for weeks, my lips trembled with excitement as my smile lit up my face and my rookie thoughts scattered. I transitioned through my poses and even though I completely snafued flaring my Lats properly in the back pose, I was STILL elated and my smile glimmered from ear to ear. My figure virginity had been given up and I was reveling in the moment. One year of post-pregnancy training and an additional 13 weeks of sacrifice, preparation, dedication, super early mornings, time away from our 2-year-old & my husband, etc. culminated in this moment. What a moment it was! I wouldn’t change it for the world, ever.

Just a couple of days later an interview from the show was posted on Facebook. There I was sharing my happiness with folks and hoping to inspire other women to step on stage by sharing my excitement. I was thankful to many, humbled by the experience, and willing to invite any woman to embark on such a life-changing journey such as figure competition.

Then it happened.

“That’s a man, look at the jawline.” That was a “post” in regards to my interview. Someone took a moment to inject negativity, ignorance, and hurtfulness into a moment of happiness, culmination, expression, and gratitude. Standing confident yet vulnerable in front of a camera with my body, thin & carved and my facial features chiseled to the core was this individual’s moment to pass their judgment upon me instead of seeing the happiness pouring from my heart. I was crushed……for a moment until I snapped back to reality and realized, this individual is not deserving of the happiness I am sharing with others, this individual is not deserving of my energy. This individual has their own personal battle and insecurities that this comment was derived from. This comment had absolutely nothing to do with me.

Why do I share this with you?  

The answer is simple. I share this with you to tell you to always LIVE FROM WITHIN. Live not for the validation of others, but for the reward of being yourself. Whatever you choose to create, whether it be art, literature, architecture, music, or even your own body, revel in the joy of your accomplishments as they are just that, YOURS.

Celebrate all aspects of your journey, because it belongs to you. Your choice to drive towards a specific achievement makes your heart happy and that inner peace is very special.  Among your supporters, your friends, and family, there will also always be pessimistic folks suffering from personal insecurities, shortcomings & poor choices that will attempt to belittle your achievements. Their negativity may even make you question your desired achievement and whether or not “it is right.” Stay true to you. Stay true to the divine, unique, worthy soul that is you. Stay true to the happiness that your creation is bringing to you and do not waste one ounce of your positive energy on folks who just don’t get it.

Empower. Embrace. Evolve. Emerge.

This is my Inspiration Thru Experience.